mNectar is a revolutionary way for users to visualise a mobile application or advert before downloading the app or buying the advertised product. By creating full-screen, in-app playable units, mNectar allows users to “test-drive” your application or ad before committing to it, either by creating an interactive advert or by using part of your UX and UI as the ad itself.
With no SDK required, installation and integration of mNectar is simple and fast, and if you are a publisher the single dashboard also gives you full control of which adverts run in which applications. Designed for both developers and publishers, mNectar has simple four-step processes to create your interactive adverts or playable units, both supported by extensive documentation.
- Playable technology can double revenue over video and quadruple over interstitial ads
- Integrated with Mopub, Opera Mediaworks, Pinsight and Adrally
- High profile developers and clients using the technology include King, CBS, Big Fish Games and Wooga
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