appnext is a multi-platform monetization and discovery network focusing on mobile and social games. appnext provides game developers a way to monetize and grow their game’s traffic without affecting the user experience. It does so by giving the games’ users the ability to discover more games through the use of non-intrusive ad units. On mobile, appnext is available for iOS and Android games and supports most major development platforms and frameworks. On social, appnext is available for Facebook and is available in both Flash and HTML versions. appnext’s services are a must for any developer that is looking to better monetize its game or grow its traffic for free.
- Get your app shown to millions of users so it gets the exposure it deserves
- Generate revenue with average payouts of $10 per 1000 users per day
- Only show ads your users will love during natural breaks in the game.
The post appnext appeared first on mobyaffiliates.